Some companies don't disclose a dollar figure because it is below reporting thresholds; others count security as an ordinary business expense. 有些公司没有披露具体金额,因为这笔花销尚达不到需要报告的下限,其他公司则将其列为一般性业务费用。
Ordinary business prudence suggests that the lines of authority and the power to make ( or to recommend) decisions with significant impact be clear, specific, and traceable. 一般的业务谨慎行为建议,制定(或推荐)有重大影响的决策时必须具有清楚、具体,且可追溯性的描述。
The code we provide allows you to create a "fake" monitor set that has the full functionality of a monitor set, but must be created through the ordinary business item editor. 我们提供的代码可以允许您创建一个“伪”监测集,它具备监测集的完整功能,但必须通过普通业务项目编辑器来创建它。
An ordinary business would ask: How do I improve my margins in the ski business? 通常而言,一家企业会问:我如何才能提高滑雪业务的利润率?
When students leave school," the ordinary business of life "will be their most pressing concern. 当大学生毕业之后,“日常生活事务”将是他们所面临的最为迫切的问题。
Economics is the study of people in their ordinary business life. 经济学研究人们的日常生活事务。
Furthermore, we will also give notice of defects as soon as such defects have been detected in the ordinary course of business. 此外,我们也会在正常的经营过程中一旦发现瑕疵就通知供应商。
If the smartest people around are uncertain how to proceed, what chance does an ordinary business person have? 如果连最聪明的人都对事态进展毫无把握,那普通商人还能得到什么机会呢?
After all as is known, in many cases to its inflammation the poor-quality, bad food that will be ordinary business after shift results. 毕竟众所周知的是,许多情况下质量差的手术会造成感染,而极移后糟糕的食物将会家常便饭。
Actually the Chinese are just ordinary business people. 而实际上,中国人只是普普通通的商人。
In the ordinary business of life industry can do anything which genius can do, and things which is cannot. 在平凡的生活中,勤奋能做天才能做的任何事,并且能做天才不能做的许多事情。
EXAMPLE: To increase sales, the famous French designer of very expensive women's fashions also produces a downmarket line of clothes that ordinary business women can afford. 为增加销售额,这家法国的著名高价位女装公司还生产普通职业女性买得起的低端服装。
The difference between and ordinary and extra-ordinary business always lies in these little things! 普通和优秀企业的区别总是体现在这些小事情之中!
In its job advertisement the solid, ordinary business with offices in Birkenhead becomes a dynamic, market-leading multinational. 在招聘广告里,一家位于伯肯黑德的踏实的普通企业,变成了具有活力的、市场领先的跨国企业。
To ordinary business owners, it appears as if these organisations are the institutional equivalent of Jekyll and Hyde. 对普通的企业主来说,这些机构似乎和化身博士(jekyllandhyde)一样具有双重人格。
The platform makes full use of information technology to improve the working efficiency and save costs and plays a positive role in the ordinary course of business. 平台充分利用信息技术提高了办公效率和节约了开支,在防雷日常业务中起到了积极作用。
The objects it handles are a large amount of the ordinary business data, with the purpose of extracting some worthy knowledge or information from these data. 其处理对象是大量的日常业务数据,目的是为了从这些数据中抽取一些有价值的知识或信息。
The features of joint-sale model, "no inventory"," confirming the purchase with the sales amount "and" negative cash cycle", make the relation between brand suppliers and emporiums be not the ordinary business relation, but lease relation. 联销模式零存货、以销定进及负现金周期的特殊性,使得品牌供应商与商场已非普通供商关系,而是零售租赁关系。
The dissertation consists of five parts: Part I, beginning with the basic concepts of marketing and bank marketing, analyzes the uniqueness of bank marketing compared with ordinary business marketing, and examines briefly the history of bank marketing. 第一部分:从市场营销以及银行市场营销的基本概念入手,分析银行市场营销与一般企业市场营销相比具有的特殊性;概要阐述银行市场营销发展变化历程。
Against the problems and shortcomings existed in the data analysis of the ordinary business systems, this paper presents a multi-dimensional data analysis platform based on MDA. 针对普通业务系统在数据分析方面存在的问题和不足,本文提出了一种基于MDA的多维数据分析平台,为多维数据分析系统的构建提供了高效的解决方案。
The research to the resource planning of virtual enterprise is few compared to ordinary business. 但是,对资源规划的研究还相对较少。
Civil aviation airport is Usually considered as ordinary business in China, more attention is given to its profitability and economic benefits, but neglect its radiation effects on regional development as public infrastructure. 长期以来,社会各界把民航运输机场看做普通企业,主要强调盈利能力和经济效益,而忽视其作为公共基础设施对区域发展的辐射效应。
Location-based service is an important application in ordinary business activities, scientific research, emergency search and rescue, and other industries. 定位服务从普通的商业活动,科学研究,直至抢险搜救等各行业中都有着重要的应用。
And by using multi-dimensional data model as drivers, this paper designs model parsing engine and outputs for a platform specific model instance, thereby it builds a data warehouse and solves the non-standard data format problem in the ordinary business processing systems. 以多维数据模型为驱动,设计模型解析引擎,输出针对特定平台的模型实例,便可构建数据仓库,解决了普通业务处理系统中的数据格式不规范的问题。
The navigation message for pseudolite has been improved, because we want to get the measurements from an ordinary business receiver that received signal of pseudolites. 为了能使普通商用GPS接收机正确接收伪卫星信号并输出观测值,研究了伪卫星的导航电文构成与改进,实现了其设计方案。
International Ordinary Mail business is not only an important part of the postal services, but also the main foreign-related aspect of China Post. 国际普邮业务是我国邮政业务的重要组成部分,也是中国邮政涉外工作的主要方面。
However, the ordinary business processing systems tend to focus on real-time business processing. The capability of data analysis of these systems is limited, the form of showing data is single, and these systems are hard to upgrade. 然而普通的业务处理系统往往只注重于对业务的实时处理,数据分析能力有限,数据展现形式也比较单一,而且升级改造成本较大,很难满足人们对数据进行多角度深入分析的需求。
Here first of all that food safety forced liability insurance and ordinary business food security liability insurance is a difference, at the same time they also exist between a link. 这里首先指出食品安全强制责任保险与普通的商业食品安全责任保险是具有差别的,同时他们之间也存在一定的联系。
Meanwhile, according to the "capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks management practices", the conversion factor of the trade-related liabilities, or the short-term credit was only 20%, which is far below the ordinary business loans of 100%. 同时,根据《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》的要求,与贸易相关的短期或有负债信用转换系数仅为20%,远远低于普通贷款业务的100%。
Therefore, our business in the ordinary business activities focus on the proportion of specific asset investment, and in capital structure decision, we must pay greater attention to the impact of asset specificity factor. 因此我国企业在日常经营活动中要注重专用性资产的投资比重,而且在进行资本结构决策时更要注重资产专用性的影响因素。